Assign yourself as assignee -
Put the label "tutorial" -
Associate your issue to the Milestone "Milestone tutorial" -
Clone the repository -
Create a new branch called issueN from the master (where N is the issue number) -
Edit the alya-developers file: add your name as defined in your gitlab profile, your login, and your gitlab id -
Add the alya-developers file to the future commit -
Commit your modifications: your commit message must reference this issue. Example issue #1: adding ddosimon information to alya-developers file
Push your modifications to the remote repository. A pipeline of tests will run. If it fails, you will receive an email. Look at the section CI/CD, pipelines. You will see that one of the tests related to your commit has failed. Please ensure that all the information contained in the alya-developers file is exact (in particular, the name has to be exactly the name printed on your gitlab profile) -
If the CI/CD pipeline has run correctly, perform a merge request to reintegrate your branch to the master branch. Cite this issue in the merge request message using the tag #N where N is the issue number. The merge request will trigger a new pipeline with one test more. If this test fails, you have to correct the alya-developers file again. -
Enjoy :-)