... | ... | @@ -16,27 +16,6 @@ The input contains two files: |
- `pair_style lj/charmm/coul/long 8.0 10.0` This is the line that specifies that we are using the *lj/charmm/coul/charmm* *pair_style*. If a different *pair_style* was selected, then `PairLJCharmmCoulLong::compute` would not be executed, and the optimizations would not have any impact. Moreover, the `8.0`and `10.0` represent the *cutoff distances*, which can have an impact to the execution of the function. For more information, check the LAMMPS [documentation](https://docs.lammps.org/pair_charmm.html#pair-style-lj-charmm-coul-long-command).
- `data.protein`: contains the initial data for the atoms in the simulation and their properties
### Specialization
The end of `PairLJCharmmCoulLong::compute` contains function calls to `ev_tally` or `virial_fdotr_compute`. Whether these are run or not depends on the value or `evflag` and `vflag_fdotr` variables.
An analysis using GDB breakpoints showed that, for the protein input, these funcions are only called on the first and last timesteps of the execution.
This paraver trace shows the weight of the first and last iterations compared to the rest.
TODO Paraver trace with two levels of events, one for compute and other for inner function calls.
Having function calls inside the function to be optimized can be troublesome because:
1. The compiler does not support autovectorization of non-inlined functions.
2. If not autovectorized, the function would need to be vectorized with intrinsics, with all the additional work.
3. If kept serial, then a mechanism to unpack data from the vector registers would still be needed.
After considering this analysis, we decided on writing an specialized routine that only targets the case in which the functions are not called.
Now, there are two routines, `compute_loopi_original` and `compute_loopi_special`.
The specialized routine is called when possible, if not, execution falls back on the original function.
The last factor that has been taken into account with the specialization is the fact that the protein input spcript `in.protein` uses the form `pair_style lj/charmm/coul/long X Y` with only two parameters, which implies that `cut_ljsq = cut_coulsq`.
Targeting only this case for the specialization can lead to simpler code, altough it would fall back on the original function when used with three parameters.
For more information about the two and three parameter invokation, check the LAMMPS [documentation](https://docs.lammps.org/pair_charmm.html#pair-style-lj-charmm-coul-long-command).
### Loop size
When vectorizing a loop, it is important to consider the number of loop iterations.
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