This page describes the advanced configuration options of the testsuite.
## Configuration
### First configuration
The first time you configure the testsuite, you will have to run the command
./ts configure
./ts configure --all
./ts configure --ALL
will give you access to more configuration options.
To update your configuration file to the last version without having to type all the data:
./ts configure --re
If your configuration file is obsolete, you will be asked to run the `./configure --all` again when you launch the testsuite.
### Configuration options
Here are the different values you will be asked to provide when configuring the testsuite. Note that typing enter will use the default option, when possible.
#### Marenostrum user
Something like `bscxxxxx`. No default.
#### Gitlab user (https)
Your user name to connect to the git repository through the https connection. Basically, your gitlab account.
#### Email
Your bsc email. No default.
#### Alya branch
Type the branch name of Alya you want to test. You can also type a commit SHA or a tag.
#### Available builds
Here, you can define the builds you want to run. Type the names separate by a space. For a full testsuite execution, run `all`.
### Configuration advanced options
These options are additional options that appear when configure with the option `--ALL`
#### _Code coverage revision_
Type the revision used as a reference to do the code coverage. Type `last` or press enter for the last Trunk commit.
#### _MN login_
Type one the marenostrum login node among:
* `mn1.bsc.es`
* `mn2.bsc.es`
* `mn3.bsc.es`
If you press enter without typing anything, the default value `mn2.bsc.es` will be automatically selected.
#### _P9 login_
Same as for marenostrum, but this one for the p9 cluster. Chose between:
* `p9login1.bsc.es`
* `p9login2.bsc.es`
the default value being `p9login2.bsc.es`.
Note that you don't have access to p9 by default. We recommend you to ask the support to enable it since it is crucial that Alya compiles and runs well on this architecture.
#### Marenostrum path
Type the path on Marenostrum GPFS where the testsuite will be executed and the data generated. If the path does not exists, it will be created. By default, the path is `/gpfs/projects/bsc21/bscxxxxx/ts/name_of_your_machine`
#### _Build job queue/Test job queue_
Here, you can define the queue for the build jobs (resp. the test jobs). Use bsc_case if possible, and debug only if you have a few jobs to run or if marenostrum is overloaded.
### Partial configuration
If you want to change a particular setting, you can run `./configure` using one of these options. Note that you can specify an option argument directly in the command line, or let it empty to enable the interactive mode.
* `-a | --all ` Configure the main options
* `-r | --re ` Reconfigure the main options
* `-A | --ALL ` Configure all the options
* `-u | --git-user [git-user] ` Set up the git user (gitlab/https user)
* `-e | --email [email] ` Change the email
* `-as | --alya-svn [path] ` Set up alya svn repository path on mn
* `-ab | --alya-branch [svn-branch] ` Select alya svn branch
* `-ts | --test-git-ssh [git-url] ` Set up test git repository (ssh url)
* `-th | --test-git-https [git-url] ` Set up test git repository (https url)
* `-tb | --test-branch [git-branch] ` Select test git branch/commit/tag
* `-c | --cc-ref [git-commit] ` Define code coverage reference commit
* `-p | --path [path] ` Change server path
* `-b | --builds [builds] ` Change the set of builds
* `-bq | --build-queue [queue] ` Change the build queue
* `-tq | --test-queue [queue] ` Change the tests queue
* `-h | --help ` Show this information
## Advanced runs
### Run only the builds
./ts build
### Run only the tests
./ts test
You need to compile the builds in a previous step.
### Run only the code coverage
./ts cc
You need to compile the builds and run the tests in previous steps. Only work with intel compiler builds.
### Send the report email
./ts email
You need to compile the builds, run the tests and the code coverage in previous steps.
### Transmit the full report by email
./ts send jean.pierre@mail.com
The receiver will get a message with instructions about how to download the report.
### Options
You can add the following options to `./ts tests` and `./ts all` using the following syntax:
./ts all --option argument1 argument2
* `-d | --dirs [list of directories separated by space] ` run only the tests included in these subdirectories. The root is `alya-tests`, so for a directoryt located in `alya-tests/example` you should specify `-d example`
* `-t | --tests [list of tests separated by space] ` run only the tests included in this list. |