... | ... | @@ -46,8 +46,27 @@ We would like to leverage taskiter to remove the overhead of task creation. Howe |
for (int token=0; token < T; token+=grainsize) {
#pragma oss task
#pragma oss taskloop
for ( /* innerloop */)
#pragma oss taskloop collapse(x)
for ( /* innerloop(s) */) {
/* We can have some other loops here */
/* calculations */
We will need to move to this kind of structure :
for (int token=0; token < T; token+=grainsize) {
for ( /* previous inner loops flatten in one loop */) {
# pragma oss task
/* calculations */
This way, we have transformed the outer loops and all collapsed inner loops into two loops, inside of it we launch a single task. This way we have removed the nested task by implementing the two task by hand.
NB : Currently, you can set the collapsed depth and grainsize in _ompss-2_wrappers.h_, however the grainsize is not as powerful as an ompss grainsize, as it applies only to the innermost flatten loop.
# Performances