# Create a New Cohort definition
Follow these steps to build a cohort in the user interface of [ATLAS](https://atlas-demo.ohdsi.org/#/home).
![Alt text](image.png)
1. On the left hand side, click on *Cohort Definitions* module. \
When the module loads, we will see a list of existing cohort definitions.
![Alt text](image-1.png)
2. On the top right, click on *New Cohort* button. \
This will open up a new cohort definition as you can see below.
![Alt text](image-2.png).
3. Give a name to the cohort definition and Save it. \
New users of ACE inhibitors who have a prior diagnosis of hypertension.
> **Warning**
> ATLAS will not allow two cohorts to have the same exact names. ATLAS will give you a pop-up error message if you choose a name already used by another ATLAS cohort.
### Cohort definition components
We need to define the components of a cohort definition. There are three main sets of criteria we need to establish:
#### 1. Cohort entry events
"What do you need to observe so that someone enters the cohort "
1. Click at the *+ Add Initial Event ...* dropdown to see all the domains available of the old OMOP Common Data Model.
![Alt text](image-3.png)
In this case, we are interested in `ACE inhibitors drug`. So, we will add a `drug exposure event` by clicking at "*Add Drug Exposure*" button.
![Alt text](image-4.png)
2. Once selected, it creates a new record that says that: *We are looking for cohort entry events which are events having any of the following criteria: a drug exposure of "**Any Drug**"*
ATLAS does not know what drug we are looking for, we need to specify which concept set (`drug of interest`) is associated.
To do so, click "*Any Drug*" dropdown button and then click "*Import Concept set*", in order to see a list of all the concept sets available in the ATLAS platform.
![Alt text](image-5.png)
![Alt text](image-6.png)
As we can search in the filter box, we are going to search for `ACE inhibitors` and select a concept set from the list.
![Alt text](image-7.png)
![Alt text](image-8.png)
*`Now, we can see that our cohort entry events are going to be records of the drug exposure ACE inhibitors.`*
If we click *`"ACE Inhibitors"`* dropdown and hover over the concept set, we can see what concept set expression is and a list of all of the active ingredients within the `ACE inhibitor` class.
![Alt text](image-9.png)
Now, this gets us all the records of `ACE inhibitors`. However, we may want to apply additional domain-specific attributes.
3. We can click "*+ Add attribute...*" button to decide what characteristics we want to add.
![Alt text](image-10.png)
4. `To ensure that we are identifying new users`, we may be interested in finding `the first exposure` which is "*Add First Exposure Criteria*" option. If we click that option, the new criteria will be added to the cohort.
![Alt text](image-11.png)
*`Now, we are saying that we are looking for entry events that are a drug exposure record of ACE inhibitors requiring that the record is the first time in a person's history (i.e. the first time we see an ACE inhibitor record for any given individual).`*
Additional attributes that we could consider would be: age criteria, gender, start date, end date and all of the domain specific attributes that are available in `the drug exposure domain`.
All these attributes become criteria that will then be imposed on this `drug exposure` rule.
5. We may want to limit our population to `people who are aged greater than 18` by adding the attribute "*Add Age at Occurrence Criteria*" and specifying *`"Greater Than: 18`"*.
![Alt text](image-12.png)
6. We may want to limit the cohort to people `who are in the database sometime after some calendar period of time`, by adding *Add Start Date Criteria* attribute.
![Alt text](image-13.png)
7. Finally, we need to establish whether or not we are going to pose any "*continous observation*" requirement.
We may want some period of time for which `we do not observe the drug`, in order to be confidence that `this is truly new use` and to distinguish it from `prevalent use`.
We are going to specify `at least one year (or 365 days) of prior observation time, before the first ACE inhibitor` is actually observed.
![Alt text](image-14.png)
8. Also, we can "*Limit initial events to*". \
In our case, we are looking for the `first time of a new use of an ACE inhibitor` by selecting the "*earliest event*" option per person.
![Alt text](image-15.png)
> NOTE: A cohort entry event could in fact have multiple events for a particular individual, it depends on the phenotype you are trying to specify.
#### 2. Inclusion criteria
Once the cohort entry events are specified, we can define any inclusion criteria that we would like to apply to this cohort.
It will be applied to those cohorts entry events to identify what subpopulation is going to be used.
1. Click *New inclusion criteria* button to define the criteria we are interested in.
![Alt text](image-16.png)
2. We would like for these people to `have a prior diagnosis of hypertension`. So, we should name the criteria and, if desired, put a little description of what we are looking for.
![Alt text](image-17.png)
3. Now, it is time to define a criteria that represents that clinical idea by clicking "*+ Add criteria to group...*" dropdown.
![Alt text](image-18.png)
> NOTE: We can see all the domain of the OMOP CDM available.
In this case, `a diagnosis of hypertension` would be represented in the `condition` domain. Then, we need to select "*Add Condition Occurrence*" criteria.
![Alt text](image-19.png)
Above, we can see that the criteria says: *`We are going to find all of those events that satisfy the criteria of having at leat one occurrence of a condition occurrence record of "Any Condition" where the event starts between all time before and all time after`*.
4. Effectively, we will be looking for any particular condition record just to exist for a person. Then, we are going to click "*Any Condition*" dropdown, which provides the ability to either select concept sets that are part of this cohort definition or to import new concepts sets.
5. Click on "*Import Concept Set*" option and search for the concept set definition `hypertensive disorder`.
![Alt text](image-20.png)
6. Now, if we want this to be `prior to the exposure`, we need to specify that the event of `hypertensive disorder` must occure `all` time `before` and `zero` times `before` the `index event`, which is the `first exposure to the ACE inhibitor`.
![Alt text](image-21.png)
In this regard we have now found: *`New users of ACE inhibitors and we have restricted to the subset of those new users who have at least one diagnosis of hypertension`*.
#### 3. Cohort exit
The Cohort exit defines how does a person leave the cohort of interest.
1. Define the "*Event Persistance*" where multiple options are available.
![Alt text](image-22.png)
In our case, we should select the option *`end of a continous drug exposure`*.
Once selected, we need to specify:
- "*Concept set containing the drug(s) of interest+". Here, it may be `ACE inhibitors`.
- "*Persistence window*", representing the maximum allowable gap between successive records that we would consider to be a continuous period of exposure. So, if we tolerate `30-day gap` between prescriptions, we can specify that.
![Alt text](image-23.png)
Now, we created a cohort definition of: *`Patients who enter at the time of their first ever ACE inhibitor exposure, who are over 18 and the first exposure happened after 01/01/2020. They have to have at least one year of prior observation. There is an additional inclusion criteria that they have to have a diagnosis of hypertension prior to their exposure. They will leave the cohort when they stop being continuosly exposed to ACE inhibitors`.
Then, we need to save this cohort.
![Alt text](image-24.png)
## Other components
Up top, next to the definition, there are other components that can be evaluated:
- Concept Sets: can examine the concept sets that are contained whitin each definition.
![Alt text](image-25.png)
- Generation: we can generate this cohort on any of the sources configured in the ATLAS platform by clicking "*Generate*" button. We would be able to run this analysis on a particular data source.
![Alt text](image-26.png)
- Export.
- Text View: textual description that fully scpecifies what this cohort definition represents.
- Graphical View: representation of what it means to be in this cohort.
![Alt text](image-27.png)
- JSON : this json expression will then be able to be renderred into an SQL statement that can be executed across one of many different database platforms.
![Alt text](image-28.png)
- Messages: provides you warnings as you have defined your cohort definition in case you have applied any logic that might not make sense.
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> Descargar json y ponerlo en el repo (para poder importarlo a otro ATLAS) |
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