# Basic Usage
Testsuite basic usage is composed of three steps: download the testsuite, configure it, and run it.
1. Checkout the TestSuit:
* Local Machine:
svn co svn+ssh://bsc21***@mn3.bsc.es/gpfs/projects/bsc21/svnroot/AlyaTS/Trunk
* From MN4:
svn co file:///gpfs/projects/bsc21/svnroot/AlyaTS/Trunk
**We recommend running the testsuite on your machine more than on marenostrum**. If you struggle to configure your machine to run the testsuite, ask for an account on tannat and run the testuite from tannat.
If you have already downloaded the testsuite, you want to update it to get the last features:
svn update
2. Configure the testSuite:
Look at the next section to get more details about how to configure the testsuite.
3. Execute the testSuite:
## Configuration
### First configuration
The first time you configure the testsuite, you will have to run the command
./configure --all
Also, if your configuration file is obsolete, you will be asked to run the `./configure --all` again when you launch the testsuite.
Here are the different values you will be asked to provide when configuring the testsuite.
#### Your marenostrum user
Something like `bscxxxxx`.
#### MN login
Type one the marenostrum login node among:
* `mn1.bsc.es`
* `mn2.bsc.es`
* `mn3.bsc.es`
If you press enter without typing anything, the default value `mn2.bsc.es` will be automatically selected.
If you plan to run the testsuite on marenostrum, something we discourage, put `localhost`.
#### P9 login
Same as for marenostrum, but this one for the p9 cluster. Chose between:
* `p9login1.bsc.es`
* `p9login2.bsc.es`
the default value being `p9login1.bsc.es`.
Note that you don't have access to p9 by default. We recommend asking for access to the support since it is crucial that Alya compiles and runs well on this architecture.
#### Job queue
This option determines the job queue used to run the testsuite jobs on marenostrum.
* `debug`: the jobs have more priority but only one can run at the same time. Useful when the marenostrum queue is overloaded or if you run only one or a few subsets of tests. This is the default option.
* `bsc_case`: the jobs have less priority but several jobs can run simultaneously. Recommended when the marenostrum queue is not saturated.
#### Email
Your bsc email.
### Alya branch
Type the branch name of Alya you want to test. Don't write the full path, just the name of the branch (for instance, type pre-Trunk for the branch `file:///gpfs/projects/bsc21/svnroot/Alya/branches/pre-Trunk`). `Trunk` by default.
#### Marenostrum path
Type the path on Marenostrum where the testsuite will be executed and the data generated. If the path does not exists, it will be created. By default, the path is `/gpfs/projects/bsc21/bscxxxxx/ts/name_of_your_machine`
#### Tests branch
By default, testsuite tests are located at `file:///gpfs/projects/bsc21/svnroot/AlyaTS/tests`. However, if you want to add new tests or modify the existing ones, you will have to create a new tests branch. If you want to run the testsuite on this branch, type its name the same way you did it for the Alya branch (not the whole path, just the name).
#### Available tests
Here, you can define the test subsets you want to run. Type the names of the subsets separate by a space. Note that you can no enable at the same time marenostrum and p9 tests. For a full testsuite execution, run `ts-mn`, and then `ts-p9` (or both simultaneously using two testsuite directories).
### Partial configuration
If you want to change a particular setting, you can run ./configure using one of these options
* `-e` To change the user email.
* `-s` To select the path in marenostrum where the testsuite will be executed.
* `-b` To choose the branch that will be tested.
* `-p` To select the tests branch
* `-t` To select which tests will be executed.
* `-q` To select the job queue
* `--all` To reset the whole configuration. Mandatory if you want to change your MN user or the login nodes.
We do not recommend editing the `client-config.json` manually since it can produce an inconsistent file.
## Advanced run
You can run the `./testSuite` with various options.
* `./testSuite` -> Normal execution.
* `./testSuite launch` -> Execute the TS and finish after the initialization.
* `./testSuite check` -> After "launch" check if the TS has finished.
* `./testSuite report` -> After launch check if the TS has finished and generate the report.
You can do `./testSuite launch`, switch off your PC and then `./testSuite check/report`
* `./testSuite overview [branch]` -> Collect the testsuite data from the last testsuite executed on the branch `branch` and generate the report. Useful to generate a full report of various testsuites running different subsets, or to get the results of a testsuite executed by someone else.