The **TestSuite** is the tool that we use for testing, This tool compiles Alya many times with different configurations and modules in order to check the independence of the different Alya Modules, the external libraries such as openmp, ompss, libple and agmg and some special compilation flags like integer 8 or NO\_MPI.
Then for checking the results we do regression tests, every regression test is an alya case and we check the numbers found in the output files and compare it with some previous verified base files. That's called regression testing
**Regression testing** is a type of software testing which verifies that software which was previously developed and tested still performs the same way after it was changed or interfaced with other software. Changes may include software enhancements, patches, configuration changes, etc. During regression testing, new software bugs or regressions may be uncovered. Alya TestSuite impact analysis is performed to determine what areas could be affected by the proposed changes. These areas may include functional and non-functional areas of the system.
**The purpose of regression testing is to ensure that changes such as those mentioned above have not introduced new faults. One of the main reasons for regression testing is to determine whether a change in one part of the software affects other parts of the software.** |
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